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For a Glimpse into Crow Country 

​The Center Pole is a Native non-profit grassroots organization founded in 1999. Our "Living Culture" campus is located at the foot of the Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument on the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana. For over 20 years, we have listened to our community.  Originally founded as a youth development organization, the Center Pole has expanded our work to include diverse interwoven projects and programs which meet the expressed needs of their people for a stronger Crow community. The expansion includes food sovereignty, digital archives, an art and culture facility, and an indigenous media and education center.


We teach and model entrepreneurship through our social enterprises: a cafe and coffee shop, a Native Arts gift shop, estate recycling project and tipi stays.  These enterprises create sustainability for our programs while offering job training and employment to community members.

"Center Pole is a community of people helping people.""

"Center Pole gives hope and reaches people who are forgotten."

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Food Delivery

Fresh, Wholesome
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Food Pantry

....120,000 pounds of food transported and distributed monthly

The Crow Sun Dance
Documentary Film
by Sean Kernan

 Click 4 arrows at bottom right of the image to watch full screen.


Social Enterprise

Authentic Native Art & Jewelry




Crow Coffee - Fresh Roasted - Free Trade




Promoting knowledge, social  justice and sovereignty in Native communities. Strengthening sovereignty can take many forms.


Social Enterprise

Wellknown Buffalo Cafe & Coffee Shop


Stop by for a meal, specialty beverage or ice cream. Learn about Crow traditions and buy local Native arts and crafts and hear the Crow language spoken.


Cultural Tourism
Crow Hospitality

Rustic, earth friendly, low impact. Tipi Stays, tent campsites, Birdie's Loft.
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Trail Rides and

Cultural Tours

Unique access to Little Big Horn Battlefield  National Monument. 
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Anniversary Newsletter

Overview of 25 years of growth and accomplishments for the Center Pole.


Dalai Lama Presents Award

Peggy White Wellknown Buffalo receives

 "Unsung Heroes of Compassion"  Award.

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Congressional Award

Peggy and Susie receive award for dedication to food distribution.

You Can Help

Firekeepers Award

Center Pole is awarded prestigious award for Indigenous Development from Seventh Generation Fund.


Front Page News

Food distribution program featured.

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Center Pole Featured

Center Pole is a featured organization in Philanthropy Northwest Magazine.

Click image for full report! We are on page 40.

The Center Pole is a 501 c 3 Native non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible.


The generous contributions of individuals, corporations and foundations allows us to maintain our programs and services.

The Center Pole

The Crow Indian Reservation
PO Box 71
3391 I-90 Frontage Road
Garryowen, MT 59031
(3 miles south of the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument)



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