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Resident Artist Cooperative


Native art has always been a central, grounding and healing element in indigenous communities.  


Art is part of everyday life and is central to who we are.  Center Pole’s Native Artist Coop seeks to promote and preserve the identity of Native cultures through artistic expression and help artists to showcase and sell their wares. 




Ronald Night Walker Yazzie "Hidahwauhnisto” or Howling Buffalo Is Cheyenne, Arapaho, Navajo, Irish, Spanish Moor, Oglala Lakota, Pawnee and Zuni, a true product of all indigenous Nations.  


Surrounded by artists and Native ceremony his whole life, Ron works in stone, wood, and lapidary and makes jewelry, ledger art, and pottery.



Meet other Artists in the Co-operative

“My goal is sharing my culture with the world, drawing upon both my personal visions and my journey of learning oral histories and my life on the rez.”

~ Ron Yazzie

Featured Artist




  • Visit the Studio  


  • Take a Class  


  • Buy Ron’s work


  • Showcase your own Indigenous work  

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The Center Pole is a 501 c 3 Native non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible.


The generous contributions of individuals, corporations and foundations allows us to maintain our programs and services.

The Center Pole

The Crow Indian Reservation
PO Box 71
3391 I-90 Frontage Road
Garryowen, MT 59031
(3 miles south of the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument)



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